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Riverview: Why blog?

Looking out my back door ...

Why blog, you say? And why blog about Riverview?

That's easy. Riverview has been my home for 16 years, and I've watched it grow from a tiny town with charm to a small town that remains charming.

Sure, there's traffic in the morning and evening, and there are not many north-south routes to avoid the gridlock. Could be worse, though. Take a ride through downtown Atlanta or Manhattan — or navigate Tampa’s Malfunction Junction at any hour of the day. You’ll appreciate this area more.

This blog will look at the unique and unusual about Riverview (and outside the area sometimes, too), the people who live here and their stories. Business folks, sports, the arts: There’s some good history in this town and it’s worth telling.

The stories I will write won’t be concerned about the alt-right, alt-left, or even control-alt-delete. There are far more knowledgeable and passionate people who have taken on that mantle. But everybody has a story to tell, and I’ll be looking for them. If you know of any, drop me a line. It may be a small town, but I can’t do it all by myself.

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